2023 Fireflies Dialogues on Climate Action and Interfaith Peace-building                                             - by Pipal Tree17th to 20th February, 2023
Fireflies Dialogues Hosted by Pipal Tree, Bangalore March 10th - 13th, 2022
L'ère actuelle a été nommée Anthropocène en raison de la domination de l'activité humaine sur le climat et l'environnement. En fait, la crise climatique est arrivée à un tel passage qu'elle laisse la plupart des gens incertains quant à la marche à suivre, d'autant plus que la volonté d'arrêter le glissement vers le bas semble largement absente.
Organized by Pipal Tree in collaboration with Dialogues in Humanity and Vikalp Sangam (Kalpavriksh) About the event: Contradictory signals are emitted all the time when it comes to the state of the world.
2nd and 3rd February 2019 in Chandigarh 4th International Dialogue on Himalayan Ecology with focus on Climate Change and Agriculture in the Himalayas By Dialogue Highway, and his president Devinder Sharma
Dear Friends, Greetings from Pipal Tree / Fireflies Intercultural Centre in Bangalore, India! Pipal Tree cordially invites you to participate in the 2018 Fireflies Dialogues, focusing on Dialogue, Reconciliation and Healing. This edition of the Fireflies Dialogues will be held from 8-11 February, 2018 at Fireflies Intercultural Centre in Bangalore, India.
Subject: A Dialogue en humanité: The voice of the youth in creating social and environmental change. La voix des jeunes dans la création de changements sociaux et environnementaux. Description: Be a part of a vibrant four-day interaction where we discuss ideas, philosophy, and motives that can impact the world. Together, we will explore ways to create change in different areas such as civil society, energy, food, forestry, water, construction, transportation, etc.
28/29th January 2017, 2nd Dialogues en humanité Chandigarh India
Cultural and Spiritual Values for Sustainable Futures  All over the world, xenophobia is creeping in. We have never witnessed as much fear of the ‘other’ as we do today, whether it be in ethnic and cultural conflicts or in the rejection of refugees. Cultural passions for limited and narrow ends are ruling the roost in many contexts. The goals of building towards a shared future are often completely sidetracked in the resulting noise and confusion.
An annual event of the Meeting Rivers programme of Pipal Tree, Bangalore Date  • Thursday, February 4, 2016 4:00 pm to  • Sunday, February 7, 2016 5:00 pm  Venue  • Fireflies Intercultural Centre, Bangalore-India
1er Dialogues dans l’Himalaya, à Chandigarh et à Solan “Himalayan Ecology” The events around the proposed dialogue we plan to have in and around Chandigarh. The two-day dialogue will be held at Solan (Himachal Pradesh) in the midst of lower Himalayas on Jan 31-Feb 1. Solan is about one and a half hour by car from Chandigarh. This event will be jointly organised by Dialogue Highway, Chandigarh, in collaboration with Shoolini University (www.shooliniuniversity.com).
date/time 5 february, thursday 04:00 pm - 04:30 pm registration 05:00 pm - 05:30 pm welcome and introduction to the february dialogues siddhartha, genevieve ancel 05:30 pm - 06:00 pm self introductions & interplay facilitated by prashant olalekar and hazel lobo 06:30 p
1er dialogues en humanité à Pondichery Auroville. Intergenerationels et interculturels à partir des expériences partagées par les jeunes générations pour construire les futurs émergeant. Développement durable appliqué et concret partagé.
Date/Time 21 February 07:00 am - 08:00 am MOVEMENT MEDITATION (Facilitated by Prashant Olalekar and Hazel Lobo) 09:00 am - 09:30 am Interplay Prashant Olalekar and Hazel Lobo 09:30 am - 10:00 am Challenges before embarking towards sustainable development. Siddhartha 10:00 am - 11:00 am
This event is being jointly organised by the Meeting Rivers programme of Pipal Tree (Bangalore, India) and Dialogues en humanité (Lyon, France).
Pipal Tree /  Dialogues en humanité Invites you to February Dialogues on “The spiritual, intellectual and social-transformational Challenges before us” to be held at Fireflies Ashram (Bangalore, India) between 15th-19th February 2012 about :
The impact of climate change in rural areas "Values and practices that promote food security in the context of climate change" 16th to19th February 2011 Fireflies Ashram, Bangalore, India (The February Dialogues is an annual event of Fireflies Inter-religious ashram and Dialogues en Humanites, Lyon)
What is the good life ? Valeurs et spiritualités pour relever le défi de la justice sociale et du changement climatique Fireflies Inter-religious Ashram, Bangalore, India

Auroville (India)

Bangalore (India)

Chandigarh Himalaya (India)